С этим товаром искали
lassic Red and White Rose Bouquet for Memorable Moments Celebrate love and elegance with this stunning red and white rose bouquet. Carefully arranged with lush greenery, this bouquet is an ideal choice for anniversaries, weddings, or any special event. The contrasting red and white roses create a timeless look that’s sure to leave a lasting impression.
Наличие подтверждено 2 ч 25 мин назад
Classic Red White Rose Bouquet
- , и мы узнаем стоимость доставки
- 1 человек добавил товар в свои подборки
- Получите 7.35 бонусов
Red rose - 6 шт. Eucalyptus - 3 шт. White rose - 6 шт.
- Ширина - 5 см
- Высота - 15 см
Global designs flower
lassic Red and White Rose Bouquet for Memorable Moments Celebrate love and elegance with this stunning red and white rose bouquet. Carefully arranged with lush greenery, this bouquet is an ideal choice for anniversaries, weddings, or any special event. The contrasting red and white roses create a timeless look that’s sure to leave a lasting impression.
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Март 2025
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