Discover the delightful serenity in our stunning floral arrangement from the Florists Specials. It features 10 lightly fragranced spray roses in luscious Solinero, 10 fresh-blooming rose buttercups in delicate hues, 3 striking anthuriums for a bold pop of color, and 5 sprigs of exotically fragrant Eucalyptus Populus. Each elegant element of this bouquet is specifically chosen and carefully arranged by our skilled florists to create a sense of luxury and elegance, making it the perfect gift to convey your expressions.
Candy Floss
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Anthurium - 3 шт. eucalyptus populus - 5 шт. spray rose solinero - 10 шт. rose butter cup - 10 шт.
- Ширина - 50 см
- Высота - 60 см
Страна производства
Объединенные Арабские Эмираты
Discover the delightful serenity in our stunning floral arrangement from the Florists Specials. It features 10 lightly fragranced spray roses in luscious Solinero, 10 fresh-blooming rose buttercups in delicate hues, 3 striking anthuriums for a bold pop of color, and 5 sprigs of exotically fragrant Eucalyptus Populus. Each elegant element of this bouquet is specifically chosen and carefully arranged by our skilled florists to create a sense of luxury and elegance, making it the perfect gift to convey your expressions.