С этим товаром искали
Brighten someones day with our Berry Summer bouquet, featuring a vibrant mix of sunflowers, red roses, and pink roses. The cheerful sunflowers symbolize adoration and loyalty, while the elegant red and pink roses add a touch of love and grace. Expertly arranged and beautifully wrapped, this bouquet is perfect for any occasion. Gift the bouquet to someone special or enjoy its joyful charm yourself. Let the bright sunflowers and elegant roses bring happiness and warmth to any moment.
Наличие подтверждено 90 мин назад
Bouquet with Sunflowers and Roses "Berry Summer"
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Satin ribbon - 1 шт. Spray rose - 6 шт. Sunflower - 3 шт. Pistachio - 2 шт. matte packaging - 2 шт.
- Ширина - 30 см
- Высота - 50 см
Brighten someones day with our Berry Summer bouquet, featuring a vibrant mix of sunflowers, red roses, and pink roses. The cheerful sunflowers symbolize adoration and loyalty, while the elegant red and pink roses add a touch of love and grace. Expertly arranged and beautifully wrapped, this bouquet is perfect for any occasion. Gift the bouquet to someone special or enjoy its joyful charm yourself. Let the bright sunflowers and elegant roses bring happiness and warmth to any moment.
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Igor Anti
На этой неделе
Prompt and professional online service.
Danubia sousa
На этой неделе
Amazing service ! Outstanding
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