ntroducing the Blushing Sunset Bouquet this vibrant arrangement features 11 gerbera daisies, 5 peach spray roses, 3 gypsophila, 2 eucalyptus leaves, and 5 ruscus leaves, tied in a brown wrapping. Perfect for adding warmth and charm with its cheerful colors and lush greenery, ideal for any celebration or occasion.
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Blushing Sunset Bouquet
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Gypsophila - 3 шт. peach rose - 5 шт. ruscus leaves - 3 шт. eucalyptus leaves - 3 шт. gerbera daisies - 11 шт.
- Ширина - 15 см
- Высота - 12 см
ntroducing the Blushing Sunset Bouquet this vibrant arrangement features 11 gerbera daisies, 5 peach spray roses, 3 gypsophila, 2 eucalyptus leaves, and 5 ruscus leaves, tied in a brown wrapping. Perfect for adding warmth and charm with its cheerful colors and lush greenery, ideal for any celebration or occasion.
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Brilliant service
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