A bouquet that will last from 5 days and even more. This magical, light bouquet will delight the recipient, not only in its beauty, but also in its durability. It can be presented to a girl, mother, grandmother or colleague. To make your bouquet stand even longer, we recommend cutting the stems and changing water in a vase every day. The level of water in a vase should not be less than its half Size bouquet 24 * 38 is chosen specifically, as this bouquet is suitable for any occasion.
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- Fellora Flower Boutique - Супермагазин. Супермагазины - это магазины с отличными отзывами, которые делают всё для качественного сервиса.
Eucalyptus - 2 шт. Alstroemeria - 1 шт. Chrysanthemum white - 1 шт. packaging - 1 шт. carnation pink - 2 шт. white lisianthus - 1 шт. peach avalanche rose - 3 шт. ribbon white - 1 шт.
- Ширина - 24 см
- Высота - 37 см
A bouquet that will last from 5 days and even more. This magical, light bouquet will delight the recipient, not only in its beauty, but also in its durability. It can be presented to a girl, mother, grandmother or colleague. To make your bouquet stand even longer, we recommend cutting the stems and changing water in a vase every day. The level of water in a vase should not be less than its half Size bouquet 24 * 38 is chosen specifically, as this bouquet is suitable for any occasion.
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