С этим товаром искали
The Pink Elegance bouquet is a charming expression of tenderness and grace. Its soft pink roses are perfectly complemented by delicate white gypsophila and a touch of greenery, creating a harmonious and romantic composition. Wrapped in pink and white tones, it exudes a sense of sophistication and love, making it an ideal gift for anniversaries, birthdays, or simply to brighten someone’s day. Charming hand bouquet featuring 3 delicate pink or passionate red roses, a symbol of love and beauty, elegantly crafted.
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Pink rose - 3 шт.
- Ширина - 15 см
- Высота - 25 см
Mister berry
The Pink Elegance bouquet is a charming expression of tenderness and grace. Its soft pink roses are perfectly complemented by delicate white gypsophila and a touch of greenery, creating a harmonious and romantic composition. Wrapped in pink and white tones, it exudes a sense of sophistication and love, making it an ideal gift for anniversaries, birthdays, or simply to brighten someone’s day. Charming hand bouquet featuring 3 delicate pink or passionate red roses, a symbol of love and beauty, elegantly crafted.
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Thank you!
Декабрь 2024
This is the best place for any occasion you can order and there cake options were amazing. Love the cake taste and love the flower bouquet.
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