This enchanting mono bouquet, meticulously handpicked and arranged, features a captivating blend of Hydrangeas - one each in arresting shades of blue, white and pink. Framed elegantly in white and pink wrapping paper, this bouquet serves as a perfect keepsake for any special occasion or just to brighten up your everyday. From the hue of the infinite sky to the depth of pure love, it captures a range of emotions, making it an ideal gift for expressing unspoken words.
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blue hydrangea - 1 шт. white hydrangea - 1 шт. pink hydrangea - 1 шт. wrapping paper (white - 1 шт. pink) - 1 шт.
- Ширина - 20 см
- Высота - 40 см
This enchanting mono bouquet, meticulously handpicked and arranged, features a captivating blend of Hydrangeas - one each in arresting shades of blue, white and pink. Framed elegantly in white and pink wrapping paper, this bouquet serves as a perfect keepsake for any special occasion or just to brighten up your everyday. From the hue of the infinite sky to the depth of pure love, it captures a range of emotions, making it an ideal gift for expressing unspoken words.
7021 оценка • 6478 покупок
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Июнь 2024
Март 2024
Maxim Masterenko
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