A festive box arrangement filled with the magic of Christmas, featuring 3 vibrant red roses, 1 rich red carnation, lush Nobilis greenery, 3 rustic pine cones, and cheerful red cherries. Adorned with sparkling Christmas ball and bell ornaments, a radiant red candle, and a charming Merry Christmas stick, this delightful design is perfect for spreading holiday joy and warmth to loved ones.
in_stock_confirmed 2 ч 10 мин назад
Christmas Joy Box
- cv/item_card/empty_address_2
- 2 mans_2-4 added_product_to_collections
- neofront/you_will_get 24.43 5bonus
- Rose Charms DMCC - supershop. neofront/what_is_supershop
- Ширина - 25 см
- Высота - 40 см
Rose charm, Объединенные Арабские Эмираты
Страна производства
Объединенные Арабские Эмираты
A festive box arrangement filled with the magic of Christmas, featuring 3 vibrant red roses, 1 rich red carnation, lush Nobilis greenery, 3 rustic pine cones, and cheerful red cherries. Adorned with sparkling Christmas ball and bell ornaments, a radiant red candle, and a charming Merry Christmas stick, this delightful design is perfect for spreading holiday joy and warmth to loved ones.
1608 reviews_3 • 1411 neofront/purchases
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Good product excellent quality and service
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