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Flowers & Gifts

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  • 35 cm
  • 55 cm

Ixora Cocinea is a beautiful flowering plant that belongs to the Rubiaceae family. It is commonly known as the Jungle Geranium or Flame of the Woods due to its bright and vibrant flowers that resemble the shape of a geranium. The plant is native to tropical regions of Asia and is widely cultivated for its ornamental value. Ixora Cocinea is a small shrub that grows up to 40-50cm in height and has a dense and bushy growth habit. The leaves are glossy, dark green, and oval-shaped, with a pointed tip. The flowers are the main attraction of the plant, and they bloom in clusters at the end of the branches. The flowers are tubular in shape and come in a range of colors, including red, orange, pink, and yellow.

Care Guide

Water the plant regularly, with a deep soaking about once a week and less during the winter, and keep the soil moist but not dripping wet. Ixoras prefer full sun to light shade. They will bloom more


145 Total ratings
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Watering frequency

5 times month


  • Width - 35 cm
  • Height - 55 cm



Ixora Cocinea is a beautiful flowering plant that belongs to the Rubiaceae family. It is commonly known as the Jungle Geranium or Flame of the Woods due to its bright and vibrant flowers that resemble the shape of a geranium. The plant is native to tropical regions of Asia and is widely cultivated for its ornamental value. Ixora Cocinea is a small shrub that grows up to 40-50cm in height and has a dense and bushy growth habit. The leaves are glossy, dark green, and oval-shaped, with a pointed tip. The flowers are the main attraction of the plant, and they bloom in clusters at the end of the branches. The flowers are tubular in shape and come in a range of colors, including red, orange, pink, and yellow.

Care Guide

Water the plant regularly, with a deep soaking about once a week and less during the winter, and keep the soil moist but not dripping wet. Ixoras prefer full sun to light shade. They will bloom more

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Dubai flower and plant's trading

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145 ratings 110 purchases

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March 2025

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    5 /5

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    5 /5

  • Delivery

    5 /5

  • As advertised

    5 /5

Шикарные цветы! Очень довольна качеством обслуживания!


March 2025

  • Shop service

    5 /5

  • Value for money

    5 /5

  • Delivery

    5 /5

  • As advertised

    5 /5


March 2025

  • Shop service

    5 /5

  • Value for money

    5 /5

  • Delivery

    5 /5

  • As advertised

    5 /5

Отличная корзина цветов. Точь в точь. Спасибо!!!

Rachel Arif

February 2025

  • Shop service

    5 /5

  • Value for money

    5 /5

  • Delivery

    5 /5

  • As advertised

    5 /5

Lovely plants and courteous, helpful delivery drivers. Thank you!


January 2025

  • Shop service

    5 /5

  • Value for money

    5 /5

  • Delivery

    5 /5

  • As advertised

    5 /5

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Cancellation rules You can cancel the order before delivery for free, the money will be fully refunded to you.

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