Presenting our exquisite Mono Bouquet, meticulously curated with a plush Teddy Bear and accented by a stunning array of 100 premium Red Roses. The ensemble is tastefully tied together with two elegant White Ribbons and two vibrant Red Ribbons. All delicately wrapped in 12 sheets of sophisticated Black Wrapping Paper, this bouquet embodies the perfect blend of love, luxury and charm. A breathtaking gift for your special occasions!
Ten przedmiot jest tymczasowo niedostępny
Premium Red Rose Bouquet Teddy Bear
- 1 osoba dodano przedmiot do swoich kolekcji
Teddy bear - 1 szt. premium red rose - 100 szt. ribbon white - 2 szt. ribbon red - 2 szt. wrapping paper black - 12 szt.
- Szerokość - 50 cm
- Wysokość - 60 cm
Presenting our exquisite Mono Bouquet, meticulously curated with a plush Teddy Bear and accented by a stunning array of 100 premium Red Roses. The ensemble is tastefully tied together with two elegant White Ribbons and two vibrant Red Ribbons. All delicately wrapped in 12 sheets of sophisticated Black Wrapping Paper, this bouquet embodies the perfect blend of love, luxury and charm. A breathtaking gift for your special occasions!
280 recenzje • 343 zakupy
Oceny oraz recenzje
Irina Voronkina
W tym tygodniu
W tym tygodniu
Yana rybina
W tym tygodniu
Jamshaid Iqbal
W tym tygodniu
Worst experience ever. Called in the middle of the night 12:30 AM saying that order will be delivered in 5-10 mins. No one showed up.No order delivered and they marked it as delivered. Fraud
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