A bouquet of fragrant Pink OHara rose with eucalyptus is an exquisite combination of beauty and freshness. Pink OHara rose is famous for its delicate pink shade and rich fragrance, which gives the bouquet charm and romanticism. The addition of eucalyptus gives the composition a special freshness and sophistication, creating an atmosphere of cosiness and harmony. This bouquet is ideal as a gift for a special occasion or just to please your loved ones with your attention and care.
Ten przedmiot jest tymczasowo niedostępny
Pink O Hara Roses-2006
- 4 osoby przedmiot dodany do swoich kolekcji
- Fellora Flower Boutique - Supersklep. Supersklepy to sklepy z doskonałymi recenzjami, które dokładają wszelkich starań, aby oferować wysokiej jakości obsługę klienta.
packaging - 1 szt. Pink O'Hara rose - 11 szt.
- Szerokość - 30 cm
- Wysokość - 40 cm
A bouquet of fragrant Pink OHara rose with eucalyptus is an exquisite combination of beauty and freshness. Pink OHara rose is famous for its delicate pink shade and rich fragrance, which gives the bouquet charm and romanticism. The addition of eucalyptus gives the composition a special freshness and sophistication, creating an atmosphere of cosiness and harmony. This bouquet is ideal as a gift for a special occasion or just to please your loved ones with your attention and care.
7021 recenzja • 6479 zakupy
Oceny oraz recenzje
AMAZING im in love with how the flowers turned out the quality is perfect 10/10
Maxim Masterenko
W tym tygodniu
W tym tygodniu
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