Bouquet of mixed flowers with wrapped in a natural paper wrapping and tied with ribbon. All flowers will be very fresh and in the bud stage or semi bloomed. Flowers will be fully bloomed later when you keep in the water. Change the water everyday and cut slightly in the bottom in every two days
Ten przedmiot jest tymczasowo niedostępny
Jade Joy
Ribbon - 1 szt. Spray rose - 2 szt. Yellow rose - 3 szt. carnation - 5 szt. delphinium - 3 szt. eucalyptus leaves - 3 szt. hydreangea - 2 szt. natural wrapping paper - 5 szt. fuchsia pink rose - 2 szt.
- Szerokość - 30 cm
- Wysokość - 55 cm
Bouquet of mixed flowers with wrapped in a natural paper wrapping and tied with ribbon. All flowers will be very fresh and in the bud stage or semi bloomed. Flowers will be fully bloomed later when you keep in the water. Change the water everyday and cut slightly in the bottom in every two days
636 recenzje • 496 zakupy
Oceny oraz recenzje
Sierpień 2024
W tym tygodniu
W tym tygodniu
Luty 2025
Luty 2025
Very unsatisfied with delivery that was late for 3 hours and with the quality, that did not match the photo.
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