Celebrate elegance and beauty with our Graceful Charm bouquet, featuring 25 exquisite pink roses, carefully wrapped to enhance their delicate allure. Each rose, with its pink hue and velvety petals, symbolizes admiration, grace, and sweetness. Perfect for anniversaries, birthdays, or any special occasion, this bouquet is designed to convey heartfelt emotions and create lasting memories. The sophisticated packaging complements the roses natural beauty, making this bouquet a stunning and memorable gift.
Ten przedmiot jest tymczasowo niedostępny
Graceful Charm-1953
- 1 osoba dodano przedmiot do swoich kolekcji
- Fellora Flower Boutique - Supersklep. Supersklepy to sklepy z doskonałymi recenzjami, które dokładają wszelkich starań, aby oferować wysokiej jakości obsługę klienta.
Satin ribbon - 1 szt. design packaging - 1 szt. pink floyd rose - 25 szt.
- Szerokość - 25 cm
- Wysokość - 40 cm
Celebrate elegance and beauty with our Graceful Charm bouquet, featuring 25 exquisite pink roses, carefully wrapped to enhance their delicate allure. Each rose, with its pink hue and velvety petals, symbolizes admiration, grace, and sweetness. Perfect for anniversaries, birthdays, or any special occasion, this bouquet is designed to convey heartfelt emotions and create lasting memories. The sophisticated packaging complements the roses natural beauty, making this bouquet a stunning and memorable gift.
7021 recenzja • 6479 zakupy
Oceny oraz recenzje
AMAZING im in love with how the flowers turned out the quality is perfect 10/10
Maxim Masterenko
W tym tygodniu
W tym tygodniu
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