Inni klienci szukali również
Elegant Mixed Rose Bouquet This stunning bouquet is a symphony of vibrant colors and delicate fragrances, perfect for any special occasion or as a heartfelt gesture of love and appreciation. - **Red Roses**: Symbolizing deep love and passion, the red roses add a classic touch of romance. - **Dark Pink Roses**: These roses convey gratitude and appreciation, adding a lush and vibrant hue to the arrangement. - **White Roses**: Representing purity and innocence, the white roses provide a serene and elegant contrast. - **Yellow Roses**: Bright and cheerful, the yellow roses signify friendship and joy, bringing a sunny disposition to the bouquet. - **Carnations**: Known for their ruffled petals and long-lasting freshness, carnations add texture and depth to the arrangement. - **Ruscus**: The green foliage of ruscus offers a fresh and natural backdrop, enhancing the beauty of the flowers. - **White Gypsophila (Babys Breath)**: These delicate, cloud-like clusters add a touch of whimsy and lightness, completing the bouquet with their airy charm. Arranged with care and creativity, this bouquet is a visual delight and a fragrant treat, making it a perfect gift for your loved ones or a beautiful centerpiece for any space.
Elegant Mixed Roses
- , a my dowiemy się, ile kosztuje dostawa
- 1 osoba dodano przedmiot do swoich kolekcji
- Otrzymasz 10.5 bonusów
Ruscus - 1 szt. carnations - 5 szt. ribbon bow - 1 szt. red roses - 10 szt. dark pink roses - 6 szt. white roses - 5 szt. yellow roses - 5 szt.
- Szerokość - 50 cm
- Wysokość - 40 cm
Elegant Mixed Rose Bouquet This stunning bouquet is a symphony of vibrant colors and delicate fragrances, perfect for any special occasion or as a heartfelt gesture of love and appreciation. - **Red Roses**: Symbolizing deep love and passion, the red roses add a classic touch of romance. - **Dark Pink Roses**: These roses convey gratitude and appreciation, adding a lush and vibrant hue to the arrangement. - **White Roses**: Representing purity and innocence, the white roses provide a serene and elegant contrast. - **Yellow Roses**: Bright and cheerful, the yellow roses signify friendship and joy, bringing a sunny disposition to the bouquet. - **Carnations**: Known for their ruffled petals and long-lasting freshness, carnations add texture and depth to the arrangement. - **Ruscus**: The green foliage of ruscus offers a fresh and natural backdrop, enhancing the beauty of the flowers. - **White Gypsophila (Babys Breath)**: These delicate, cloud-like clusters add a touch of whimsy and lightness, completing the bouquet with their airy charm. Arranged with care and creativity, this bouquet is a visual delight and a fragrant treat, making it a perfect gift for your loved ones or a beautiful centerpiece for any space.
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