Indulge in the refined elegance of our Bombastic Caffeine Bouquet, meticulously crafted by Fellora Flower Boutique Dubai. This stunning bouquet features: 15 Stems of Bombastic Spray Roses: These lush, delicate blooms offer a romantic and sophisticated charm with their soft, pastel hues. 5 Stems of Eucalyptus: Adding a touch of fresh greenery, the Eucalyptus stems enhance the bouquets natural beauty and fragrance. Dimensions: Height: 50 cm Width: 45 cm Perfect for gifting or adding a touch of elegance to any room, the Bombastic Caffeine Bouquet is a harmonious blend of roses and greenery, making it a timeless addition to your floral collection. Let Fellora Flower Boutique Dubai bring natures finest to your doorstep with this exquisite arrangement.
in_stock_confirmed 20 min temu
Bombastic Caffeine
- cv/item_card/empty_address_2
- 5 mans_more_4 added_product_to_collections
- neofront/you_will_get 18.9 5bonus
- Fellora Luxe Blooms - supershop. neofront/what_is_supershop
Ribbon - 1 szt. Eucalyptus - 5 szt. wrapping paper - 1 szt. bombastic spray rose - 15 szt.
- Szerokość - 45 cm
- Wysokość - 50 cm
Indulge in the refined elegance of our Bombastic Caffeine Bouquet, meticulously crafted by Fellora Flower Boutique Dubai. This stunning bouquet features: 15 Stems of Bombastic Spray Roses: These lush, delicate blooms offer a romantic and sophisticated charm with their soft, pastel hues. 5 Stems of Eucalyptus: Adding a touch of fresh greenery, the Eucalyptus stems enhance the bouquets natural beauty and fragrance. Dimensions: Height: 50 cm Width: 45 cm Perfect for gifting or adding a touch of elegance to any room, the Bombastic Caffeine Bouquet is a harmonious blend of roses and greenery, making it a timeless addition to your floral collection. Let Fellora Flower Boutique Dubai bring natures finest to your doorstep with this exquisite arrangement.
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Hello! The recipient of the flowers is upset because the next day one flower wilted and another began to wilt. Here are the photos Wilted flower Flower about to wilt
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