Embrace the timeless beauty and grace of our Blush Elegance bouquet, featuring 15 exquisite pink roses. Each rose is carefully selected for its perfect bloom, creating a stunning arrangement that exudes both charm and sophistication. The delicate pink hues symbolize admiration and appreciation, making this bouquet an ideal gift for any occasion – from celebrating a special milestone to expressing heartfelt gratitude. Perfect for anniversaries, birthdays, or simply to show someone how much you care, this bouquet is sure to make a lasting impression.
Ten przedmiot jest tymczasowo niedostępny
Blush Elegance: 15 Pink Ohara Roses
- 2 osoby przedmiot dodany do swoich kolekcji
Ribbon - 1 szt. matte packaging - 5 szt. Pink O'Hara rose - 15 szt.
- Szerokość - 40 cm
- Wysokość - 50 cm
Embrace the timeless beauty and grace of our Blush Elegance bouquet, featuring 15 exquisite pink roses. Each rose is carefully selected for its perfect bloom, creating a stunning arrangement that exudes both charm and sophistication. The delicate pink hues symbolize admiration and appreciation, making this bouquet an ideal gift for any occasion – from celebrating a special milestone to expressing heartfelt gratitude. Perfect for anniversaries, birthdays, or simply to show someone how much you care, this bouquet is sure to make a lasting impression.
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