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  • 30 cm
  • 30 cm

Advantages of Car Window Sunshade: The static electric sun shade film provides you with better and more comfortable shadows UV protection net can resist sunlight and ultraviolet rays Suitable for most cars Easy to fold, disassembly and assembly only takes a few seconds Easy to absorb and remove, no trace on the window installation steps: First: wipe the windows with a damp cloth or wipes Second: Put the side of the sunshade on the window glass and keep it still Third: Slowly apply pressure on the sunshade (mainly at the edge) until it is stable on the window and will not move Tips: 1. After the precipitation of time, the awning may be weak, then just wash it with water to solve it 2. During the first use, there may be wrinkles, please dont worry, this is the normal condition of the film, and it will improve over time 3. Safety first, please check the position of your Car Window Sunshade, and dont block your sight because of shadows About storage: You can stack all the Car Window Sunshade together and use a drawstring bag for storage Just grab both sides of the shadow and bend your hands inwards at the same time, a rectangular awning will transform into a small circle, which can be easily stored

Car Window Static Sun Shade

4 łączna ocena
  • , a my dowiemy się, ile kosztuje dostawa
  • Otrzymasz 0.8 bonusów


  • Szerokość - 30 cm
  • Wysokość - 30 cm

Advantages of Car Window Sunshade: The static electric sun shade film provides you with better and more comfortable shadows UV protection net can resist sunlight and ultraviolet rays Suitable for most cars Easy to fold, disassembly and assembly only takes a few seconds Easy to absorb and remove, no trace on the window installation steps: First: wipe the windows with a damp cloth or wipes Second: Put the side of the sunshade on the window glass and keep it still Third: Slowly apply pressure on the sunshade (mainly at the edge) until it is stable on the window and will not move Tips: 1. After the precipitation of time, the awning may be weak, then just wash it with water to solve it 2. During the first use, there may be wrinkles, please dont worry, this is the normal condition of the film, and it will improve over time 3. Safety first, please check the position of your Car Window Sunshade, and dont block your sight because of shadows About storage: You can stack all the Car Window Sunshade together and use a drawstring bag for storage Just grab both sides of the shadow and bend your hands inwards at the same time, a rectangular awning will transform into a small circle, which can be easily stored

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    2 /5

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    3 /5

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    1 /5

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    4 /5


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  • Obsługa sklepu

    5 /5

Excellent service 👏 👍 Friendly management

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