Мүмкіндігінше тезірек
Жеткізу мекенжайыңызды енгізіңіз
Жеткізу мекенжайыңызды енгізіңіз

Гүлдер мен сыйлықтар

Үй мен бақша


Қолданбада ашыңыз
  • 60 см
  • 240 см

Күтім туралы нұсқаулар

Stop fertilizing 30-45 days before you expect cool temps. Fertilizing will cause new tender growth that's susceptible to cold damage. Remove as many leaves as possible by cutting the leaf leaving about 1/2" on the branches. Leaving the 1/2" of leaf stem will help prevent leaf node rot. Removing the leaves will help minimize moisture loss. Spray your plants with an insecticide two weeks and again a day or two for insects prior to storing. If Plunged, cut into the soil around the pot, then lift the pot out of the soil. Prune the roots to a manageable size and trim roots back to the same level as the pot's drainage holes. This is a good time to make sure the roots haven't stopped up the drain holes. If the roots are stopping up the drain holes, then repot in the Spring. For potted plants, lift pots from the ground and trim roots back to the same level as the pot's drainage holes. This is a good time to make sure the roots haven't stopped up the drain holes. If the roots are stopping up the drain holes, then repot in the Spring. If storing as bare rooted, do not allow the roots to touch concrete. The concrete will suck the moisture out of the roots. Water you plumeria a few days before you put them up for winter. You don't want to store your plumeria in soil that's saturated with water.


12 Тауар бағалары
  • , және біз жеткізу құнын анықтаймыз
  • 1 адам топтамаларына тауарды қосты
  • Алу 26.70 бонустар

Суару жиілігі

5 рет / апта


  • Ені - 60 см
  • Биіктігі - 240 см

Күтім туралы нұсқаулар

Stop fertilizing 30-45 days before you expect cool temps. Fertilizing will cause new tender growth that's susceptible to cold damage. Remove as many leaves as possible by cutting the leaf leaving about 1/2" on the branches. Leaving the 1/2" of leaf stem will help prevent leaf node rot. Removing the leaves will help minimize moisture loss. Spray your plants with an insecticide two weeks and again a day or two for insects prior to storing. If Plunged, cut into the soil around the pot, then lift the pot out of the soil. Prune the roots to a manageable size and trim roots back to the same level as the pot's drainage holes. This is a good time to make sure the roots haven't stopped up the drain holes. If the roots are stopping up the drain holes, then repot in the Spring. For potted plants, lift pots from the ground and trim roots back to the same level as the pot's drainage holes. This is a good time to make sure the roots haven't stopped up the drain holes. If the roots are stopping up the drain holes, then repot in the Spring. If storing as bare rooted, do not allow the roots to touch concrete. The concrete will suck the moisture out of the roots. Water you plumeria a few days before you put them up for winter. You don't want to store your plumeria in soil that's saturated with water.

Бонустарды қабылдайды

Tulips flowers

Дүкенге өту

4 / 5 тауар рейтингі

Бағалаулар және пікірлер


Ақпан 2024

  • Сервис

    2 /5

  • Бағасы/Сапасы

    3 /5

  • Жеткізу

    2 /5

  • Сәйкестік

    1 /5


Наурыз 2023

  • Сервис

    5 /5

  • Бағасы/Сапасы

    5 /5

  • Жеткізу

    5 /5

  • Сәйкестік

    5 /5

Все красиво и все вовремя. Спасибо


Наурыз 2023

  • Сервис

    5 /5

  • Бағасы/Сапасы

    5 /5

  • Жеткізу

    5 /5

  • Сәйкестік

    5 /5

Сатып алушыны қорғау Егер тауар құрамға сәйкес келмесе, оны қайтаруға немесе ақшалай өтемақы алуға болады.
Бас тарту ережелері Жеткізу алдында тапсырысыңыздан тегін бас тарта аласыз, ақшаңыз толығымен қайтарылады.

Тауарға шағымдану