A timeless and elegant bouquet featuring 25 classic red roses, intertwined with 10 sprigs of eucalyptus. The rich, velvety texture of the roses, combined with the soft, silvery-green foliage of the eucalyptus, creates a stunning visual contrast. This classic arrangement is perfect for expressing love, passion, and admiration.
Timeless Elegance
- cv/item_card/empty_address_2
- neofront/you_will_get 8.4 5bonus
Red rose - 25 дана eucalbtus green - 10 дана
- Ені - 30 см
- Биіктігі - 55 см
A timeless and elegant bouquet featuring 25 classic red roses, intertwined with 10 sprigs of eucalyptus. The rich, velvety texture of the roses, combined with the soft, silvery-green foliage of the eucalyptus, creates a stunning visual contrast. This classic arrangement is perfect for expressing love, passion, and admiration.