Our bouquet is a one-of-a-kind creation, designed to surprise and charm. Featuring radiant sunflowers, soft pink carnations, and cheerful daisies, this bouquet is a perfect compliment to any occasion. The playful blend of colors and textures evokes warmth and joy, making it an ideal gift to brighten someone’s day. Handcrafted with love, this bouquet arrives beautifully arranged, ready to deliver smiles and sunshine.
Тауар қоймада уақытша жоқ
Bouquet of Sunflower,Carnation Daisies-1084
- 2 адам топтамаларына тауарды қосты
- Fellora Flower Boutique - Супердүкен. Супер дүкендер - бұл сапалы қызмет көрсету үшін барлығын жасайтын тамаша пікірлері бар дүкендер.
Satin ribbon - 1 дана Eucalyptus - 1 дана Sunflower - 2 дана carnation - 3 дана tanacetum - 2 дана design packaging - 1 дана
- Ені - 15 см
- Биіктігі - 35 см
Our bouquet is a one-of-a-kind creation, designed to surprise and charm. Featuring radiant sunflowers, soft pink carnations, and cheerful daisies, this bouquet is a perfect compliment to any occasion. The playful blend of colors and textures evokes warmth and joy, making it an ideal gift to brighten someone’s day. Handcrafted with love, this bouquet arrives beautifully arranged, ready to deliver smiles and sunshine.
7350 бағалар • 6710 сатып алу
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I can't thank this boutique flower shop enough for going out of their way to make my mother's birthday special. The flowers arrived in pristine condition and in record time!
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