A regal and romantic bouquet, Regal Romance features 3 majestic purple hydrangeas, 7 velvety purple roses, 5 delicate white spray roses, and 5 airy white waxflowers. This elegant arrangement exudes sophistication and charm. The combination of bold hydrangeas, romantic roses, and delicate accents creates a stunning visual display, perfect for expressing love, admiration, or gratitude.
Regal Romance
- cv/item_card/empty_address_2
- neofront/you_will_get 10.65 5bonus
rose purple - 7 дана spray rose white - 5 дана hydrangea purple - 3 дана wax purple - 5 дана
- Ені - 30 см
- Биіктігі - 55 см
A regal and romantic bouquet, Regal Romance features 3 majestic purple hydrangeas, 7 velvety purple roses, 5 delicate white spray roses, and 5 airy white waxflowers. This elegant arrangement exudes sophistication and charm. The combination of bold hydrangeas, romantic roses, and delicate accents creates a stunning visual display, perfect for expressing love, admiration, or gratitude.