Осы тауармен іздеді
Cheerful summer, bright and Sunny – all these epithets arise when looking at bouquet of Field. Here florists boldly combine rustic sunflowers and wild daisies Tanacetum. If you are bored with the banal and boring bouquets, then it's time to buy sunflowers – true summer flowers. As in nature, the sunflower "chasing" the sun, catching its rays, and here, the florists have arranged the flowers in a circle, so they are pleasing to the eye from all sides. Despite the fact that in the present summer bouquet of seasonal flowers, bouquet of sunflowers in crafting you can buy always at the best price in "Flower series".
Бар екені расталды: 115 мин артқа
- , және біз жеткізу құнын анықтаймыз
- 9 адам топтамаларына тауарды қосты
- Алу 4.42 бонустар
Salal - 1 дана Sunflower - 3 дана Kraft - 1 дана the silk ribbon - 3 дана tanacetum - 5 дана
- Ені - 20 см
- Биіктігі - 50 см
Cheerful summer, bright and Sunny – all these epithets arise when looking at bouquet of Field. Here florists boldly combine rustic sunflowers and wild daisies Tanacetum. If you are bored with the banal and boring bouquets, then it's time to buy sunflowers – true summer flowers. As in nature, the sunflower "chasing" the sun, catching its rays, and here, the florists have arranged the flowers in a circle, so they are pleasing to the eye from all sides. Despite the fact that in the present summer bouquet of seasonal flowers, bouquet of sunflowers in crafting you can buy always at the best price in "Flower series".
2348 бағалар • 1683 сатып алулар
Бағалаулар және пікірлер
Alexandr Lisovski
Желтоқсан 2024
All perfect 🙏🏻
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