The Baby Rose Tulip Bouquet is a charming blend of delicate pink baby roses, classic red roses, and elegant pink tulips—a bouquet that radiates love, affection, and gentle beauty. This carefully curated combination is perfect for romantic gestures, birthdays, or to add a fresh, cheerful touch to any space. Highlights of the Baby Rose Tulip Bouquet: Soft Baby Pink Roses: Representing admiration and sweetness, these baby roses bring a gentle, delicate feel to the bouquet. Passionate Red Roses: Known for symbolizing love and desire, the classic red roses add depth and vibrance. Elegant Pink Tulips: With their graceful shape and uplifting hue, pink tulips signify care and warmth, completing the bouquets perfect harmony. Why Choose This Bouquet? This bouquet speaks a language of love and admiration, ideal for making someone feel cherished. Its especially suitable for romantic occasions, anniversaries, or as a thoughtful gesture of kindness.
Тауар қоймада уақытша жоқ
Pink Bouquet
- 1 адам топтамаларына тауарды қосты
Eucaliptus - 5 дана tulip pink - 5 дана baby rose pink - 5 дана baby rose red - 5 дана wax white - 3 дана
- Ені - 30 см
- Биіктігі - 45 см
Uplifting floral studio, Біріккен Араб Әмірліктері
Өндіруші ел
Біріккен Араб Әмірліктері
The Baby Rose Tulip Bouquet is a charming blend of delicate pink baby roses, classic red roses, and elegant pink tulips—a bouquet that radiates love, affection, and gentle beauty. This carefully curated combination is perfect for romantic gestures, birthdays, or to add a fresh, cheerful touch to any space. Highlights of the Baby Rose Tulip Bouquet: Soft Baby Pink Roses: Representing admiration and sweetness, these baby roses bring a gentle, delicate feel to the bouquet. Passionate Red Roses: Known for symbolizing love and desire, the classic red roses add depth and vibrance. Elegant Pink Tulips: With their graceful shape and uplifting hue, pink tulips signify care and warmth, completing the bouquets perfect harmony. Why Choose This Bouquet? This bouquet speaks a language of love and admiration, ideal for making someone feel cherished. Its especially suitable for romantic occasions, anniversaries, or as a thoughtful gesture of kindness.
18 бағалар • 50 сатып алу
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Hera Assary
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