This enchanting bouquet is a delightful blend of soft pastel tones and lush textures. Featuring elegant nude roses, delicate pink carnations, and vibrant purple lisianthus, it’s accented with fresh green lisianthus buds for a pop of brightness. Wrapped in a sophisticated mauve-toned paper with an intricate mesh design and tied with a classic black ribbon, this bouquet radiates elegance and grace, making it the perfect choice for any heartfelt occasion.
Mystic Mauve Bouquet
- cv/item_card/empty_address_2
- neofront/you_will_get 5.94 5bonus
Lily - 1 дана lisianthus pink - 3 дана carnation flower - 3 дана menta rose - 10 дана
- Ені - 30 см
- Биіктігі - 40 см
Here flower, Біріккен Араб Әмірліктері
Өндіруші ел
Біріккен Араб Әмірліктері
This enchanting bouquet is a delightful blend of soft pastel tones and lush textures. Featuring elegant nude roses, delicate pink carnations, and vibrant purple lisianthus, it’s accented with fresh green lisianthus buds for a pop of brightness. Wrapped in a sophisticated mauve-toned paper with an intricate mesh design and tied with a classic black ribbon, this bouquet radiates elegance and grace, making it the perfect choice for any heartfelt occasion.
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Красивое, свежее, все оперативно доставили
Желтоқсан 2024 • Nf/reviews/imported_review
品味太在线了 特别心水的一家店
Маусым 2024 • Nf/reviews/imported_review
The best place for fresh flowers😍