Immerse yourself in the gentle beauty of the Lavender Daydreams Bouquet, a harmonious blend of soft pink ranunculus and delicate lavender-hued matthiola. This bouquet captures the essence of romance and serenity, making it a perfect gift for any occasion. The pink ranunculus, with its layers of velvety petals, symbolizes charm and grace, while the lavender matthiola adds a touch of tranquility and calm. Together, they create a bouquet that exudes elegance and timeless beauty.
Тауар қоймада уақытша жоқ
Lavender Daydreams Bouquet
- 1 адам топтамаларына тауарды қосты
ranunculus - 7 дана matthiola - 10 дана ribbon satin - 1 дана matte wrap film - 1 дана
- Ені - 28 см
- Биіктігі - 38 см
Immerse yourself in the gentle beauty of the Lavender Daydreams Bouquet, a harmonious blend of soft pink ranunculus and delicate lavender-hued matthiola. This bouquet captures the essence of romance and serenity, making it a perfect gift for any occasion. The pink ranunculus, with its layers of velvety petals, symbolizes charm and grace, while the lavender matthiola adds a touch of tranquility and calm. Together, they create a bouquet that exudes elegance and timeless beauty.
4895 бағалар • 4388 сатып алу
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