Celebrate the subtle beauty of our Gentle Bliss bouquet, featuring 21 soft pink roses elegantly complemented by lush pistachio greenery. Each rose, with its delicate pink hue and velvety petals, symbolizes grace and admiration. The addition of fresh pistachio leaves adds a touch of natural elegance, creating a harmonious and sophisticated arrangement. Perfect for anniversaries, birthdays, or any special occasion, this bouquet conveys heartfelt sentiments with timeless charm. The gentle colors and refined design make it a stunning and memorable gift.
Тауар қоймада уақытша жоқ
Gentle Bliss-1937
- 1 адам топтамаларына тауарды қосты
- Fellora Flower Boutique - Супердүкен. Супер дүкендер - бұл сапалы қызмет көрсету үшін барлығын жасайтын тамаша пікірлері бар дүкендер.
Satin ribbon - 1 дана Pistachio - 3 дана matte packaging - 1 дана sweet revival rose - 21 дана
- Ені - 15 см
- Биіктігі - 50 см
Celebrate the subtle beauty of our Gentle Bliss bouquet, featuring 21 soft pink roses elegantly complemented by lush pistachio greenery. Each rose, with its delicate pink hue and velvety petals, symbolizes grace and admiration. The addition of fresh pistachio leaves adds a touch of natural elegance, creating a harmonious and sophisticated arrangement. Perfect for anniversaries, birthdays, or any special occasion, this bouquet conveys heartfelt sentiments with timeless charm. The gentle colors and refined design make it a stunning and memorable gift.
7021 баға • 6479 сатып алу
Бағалаулар және пікірлер
AMAZING im in love with how the flowers turned out the quality is perfect 10/10
Maxim Masterenko
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