Brighten up any space with our delightful 9 Pink Spray Roses in a Glass Vase. This charming arrangement features nine beautiful pink spray roses, elegantly displayed in a sleek glass vase that enhances their delicate beauty. Product Details: 9 Pink Spray Roses, glass vase, perfect for home decor, special occasions, or as a thoughtful gift. The soft pink hues of the spray roses symbolize grace and admiration, making this bouquet an ideal choice for birthdays, anniversaries, or to simply show someone you care. The clear glass vase adds a modern touch, allowing the natural beauty of the roses to shine. At Fellora Flower Boutique, we ensure that each arrangement is crafted with the freshest flowers, guaranteeing a stunning presentation that will last. Share the joy of this lovely bouquet with someone special or treat yourself to a touch of elegance!
in_stock_confirmed 5 мин артқа
9 Pink Spray Roses in a Glass Vase
- cv/item_card/empty_address_2
- 2 mans_2-4 added_product_to_collections
- neofront/you_will_get 14.5 5bonus
- Fellora Luxe Blooms - supershop. neofront/what_is_supershop
Ribbon - 1 дана glass vase - 1 дана pink spray roses - 9 дана
- Ені - 30 см
- Биіктігі - 45 см
Brighten up any space with our delightful 9 Pink Spray Roses in a Glass Vase. This charming arrangement features nine beautiful pink spray roses, elegantly displayed in a sleek glass vase that enhances their delicate beauty. Product Details: 9 Pink Spray Roses, glass vase, perfect for home decor, special occasions, or as a thoughtful gift. The soft pink hues of the spray roses symbolize grace and admiration, making this bouquet an ideal choice for birthdays, anniversaries, or to simply show someone you care. The clear glass vase adds a modern touch, allowing the natural beauty of the roses to shine. At Fellora Flower Boutique, we ensure that each arrangement is crafted with the freshest flowers, guaranteeing a stunning presentation that will last. Share the joy of this lovely bouquet with someone special or treat yourself to a touch of elegance!
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