A bouquet includes 50 white roses (45cm stems length), and a free greeting card.
Тауар қоймада уақытша жоқ
50 White Roses Bouquet
- 3 адам топтамаларына тауарды қосты
white roses - 50 дана greeting card. - 1 дана
- Ені - 40 см
- Биіктігі - 40 см
A bouquet includes 50 white roses (45cm stems length), and a free greeting card.
Бағалаулар және пікірлер
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Спасибо за доставку! Отличное качество!
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On the site there was 65 Ferrero but we only received 30 and a few and I asked for a card with a word on it but the card arrived totally blank. Thank you very much for the surprise.
George Karavesov
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Қаңтар 2025
Тауарға шағымдану