This elegant bouquet of 25 tulips is an embodiment of tenderness, beauty, and freshness. Each tulip brings its uniqueness and symbolizes pure and sincere emotions. This bouquet will be the best gift choice, bringing joy and uplifting the mood of your recipient. It is suitable for any occasion - from birthdays to expressions of gratitude or just to make a loved ones day special. Gift this bouquet and capture the moment of happiness and joy together.
Тауар қоймада уақытша жоқ
25 Yellow Tulips Bunch
Ribbon - 1 дана Wrapping - 5 дана yellow tulips - 25 дана
- Ені - 30 см
- Биіктігі - 40 см
This elegant bouquet of 25 tulips is an embodiment of tenderness, beauty, and freshness. Each tulip brings its uniqueness and symbolizes pure and sincere emotions. This bouquet will be the best gift choice, bringing joy and uplifting the mood of your recipient. It is suitable for any occasion - from birthdays to expressions of gratitude or just to make a loved ones day special. Gift this bouquet and capture the moment of happiness and joy together.
678 бағалар • 528 сатып алу
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The delievery was delayed by almost 2 to 3 hrs. 1st time I called they answered and asked update on my order they told they will get back to me. After that I called almost 10 times no one responded.
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