Step into a world of serene beauty with our bouquet, featuring a delicate blend of white chrysanthemum, soft peach roses, blush spray roses, and elegant white lisianthus. Accented with fresh eucalyptus, this arrangement exudes a gentle and timeless charm. The centerpiece, a lush white chrysanthemum, symbolizes purity, while the roses and lisianthus add a touch of romance and grace. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or any special occasion, this bouquet is a stunning and heartfelt expression of love and admiration.
in_stock_confirmed 5 min fa
White Chrysanthemum, Roses and Lisianthus Bouquet
- cv/item_card/empty_address_2
- 1 person neofront/1_added_product_to_collections
- neofront/you_will_get 12.9 5bonus
- Fellora Luxe Blooms - supershop. neofront/what_is_supershop
Eucalyptus - 1 pz Spray rose - 1 pz Chrysanthemum - 1 pz ribbon satin - 1 pz white eustoma - 1 pz designer wrapping - 1 pz oxipetalum - 1 pz
- Larghezza - 23 cm
- Altezza - 37 cm
Step into a world of serene beauty with our bouquet, featuring a delicate blend of white chrysanthemum, soft peach roses, blush spray roses, and elegant white lisianthus. Accented with fresh eucalyptus, this arrangement exudes a gentle and timeless charm. The centerpiece, a lush white chrysanthemum, symbolizes purity, while the roses and lisianthus add a touch of romance and grace. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or any special occasion, this bouquet is a stunning and heartfelt expression of love and admiration.
4403 reviews_2 • 3905 neofront/purchases
Reviews_2 and reviews
Hello! The recipient of the flowers is upset because the next day one flower wilted and another began to wilt. Here are the photos Wilted flower Flower about to wilt
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