Anche altri clienti hanno cercato
A stunning floral bouquet featuring roses, hydrangeas, lilies, and other beautiful flowers,. Its a captivating blend of white and green colors and textures that brings the beauty of nature into any space. . Include your personal message on our complimentary card.
- per sapere le spese di consegna
- Riceverai 6.72 bonus
hydrangea white - 1 pz hydrangea green - 1 pz deco white - 3 pz limonium white - 1 pz roses white - 5 pz
- Larghezza - 40 cm
- Altezza - 40 cm
A stunning floral bouquet featuring roses, hydrangeas, lilies, and other beautiful flowers,. Its a captivating blend of white and green colors and textures that brings the beauty of nature into any space. . Include your personal message on our complimentary card.
Valutazioni e recensioni
Maggio 2023 • Recensione di google maps
شكرا على التجهيز الممتاز
Novembre 2023 • Recensione di google maps
Отличный салон цветов, очень милые сотрудники. Сделали отличный торт и букет цветов. Рекомендую
Ottobre 2023 • Recensione di google maps
Это прекрасный магазин цветов! Всегда тут беру цветы 🔥🔥🔥
Febbraio 2023 • Recensione di google maps
beautiful flowers
Maggio 2023 • Recensione di google maps
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