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Radiate joy and warmth with our Florists Special bouquet, skillfully arranged with 7 vibrant sunflowers, intricately wrapped in 5 pieces of high-quality wrapping paper, and delicately accented with 3 precious baby roses. The perfect gift to brighten up any occasion.
Sun Flower Bouquet
- per sapere le spese di consegna
- Riceverai 9 bonus
Eucalyptus - 3 pz Sunflower - 7 pz wrapping paper - 5 pz baby rose - 5 pz
- Larghezza - 70 cm
- Altezza - 50 cm
Radiate joy and warmth with our Florists Special bouquet, skillfully arranged with 7 vibrant sunflowers, intricately wrapped in 5 pieces of high-quality wrapping paper, and delicately accented with 3 precious baby roses. The perfect gift to brighten up any occasion.
Valutazioni e recensioni
Questa settimana
Service was excellent and the whole team was very helpful in getting my flowers to the address. Ordered it from Australia 👍👍👍
Marzo 2025 • Recensione di google maps
ماشاء الله محل ولا اروع في تنسيق الازهار والفواكه
Marzo 2025 • Recensione di google maps
موقع وخدمة ممتازة ، وأسعار جدا مناسبة المكان جدا نظيف والعاملين متعاونين جدا
Marzo 2025 • Recensione di google maps
المكان جميل والشوكلاته لذيذه والتعامل مع الزبائن جدًا راقي …بوركت جهودهم
Marzo 2025 • Recensione di google maps
ماشاءالله تبارك الله المحل راقي والخدمه سريعه والاسعار حلوه 😍😍 الله يعطيكم العافيه ع مجهودكم الطيب وان شاءالله كل مناسباتي والهدايا من عندكم 🥰😍
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