A heartfelt arrangement to make someone feel truly cherished. The Special For You Bouquet features a charming mix of 3 Red Roses symbolizing love, 4 White Roses representing purity, and 2 Pink Roses for admiration, complemented by lush Eucalyptus and delicate Gypsophila. A perfect expression of love, appreciation, and special moments. Features: Red Roses for deep love and passion. White Roses symbolizing innocence and sincerity. Pink Roses expressing grace and joy. Eucalyptus providing a fresh and soothing greenery accent. Gypsophila adding a soft and dreamy touch. Ideal For: Anniversaries Birthdays Just because moments Special surprises Keywords: Red roses, white roses, pink roses, eucalyptus, gypsophila, special gift, love bouquet, appreciation flowers.
Questo articolo è esaurito
Special For You Bouquet
Eucalyptus - 2 pz gypsophila white - 2 pz red roses - 3 pz pink roses - 2 pz white roses - 4 pz
- Larghezza - 55 cm
- Altezza - 55 cm
Bloom fresh flowers
A heartfelt arrangement to make someone feel truly cherished. The Special For You Bouquet features a charming mix of 3 Red Roses symbolizing love, 4 White Roses representing purity, and 2 Pink Roses for admiration, complemented by lush Eucalyptus and delicate Gypsophila. A perfect expression of love, appreciation, and special moments. Features: Red Roses for deep love and passion. White Roses symbolizing innocence and sincerity. Pink Roses expressing grace and joy. Eucalyptus providing a fresh and soothing greenery accent. Gypsophila adding a soft and dreamy touch. Ideal For: Anniversaries Birthdays Just because moments Special surprises Keywords: Red roses, white roses, pink roses, eucalyptus, gypsophila, special gift, love bouquet, appreciation flowers.
Valutazioni e recensioni
Dishonest and Unprofessional – Beware! I rarely leave negative reviews, but this experience was beyond unacceptable. I ordered a bouquet advertised as 60 fresh vibrant roses. When they sent me a picture, there were only 25. I immediately pointed this out, and they insisted it was always 25. When I provided a screenshot of the original listing showing 60, they stopped responding and quietly changed the description to say 25. This is outright dishonesty. Instead of admitting their mistake or offering a solution, they chose to deceive their customers. Avoid this place unless you enjoy being scammed.
Questa settimana
Dicembre 2024
All is good flowers are beautiful
Settembre 2024
Agosto 2024
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