This striking bouquet features a passionate array of red blossoms, beautifully enveloped in a white ribbon with a dainty pink bow. Its a captivating display that conveys the depths of love and devotion, making it a perfect gift for any special occasion.
Questo articolo è temporaneamente esaurito
Scarlet Serenade
rose red stems - 100 pz
- Larghezza - 65 cm
- Altezza - 65 cm
This striking bouquet features a passionate array of red blossoms, beautifully enveloped in a white ribbon with a dainty pink bow. Its a captivating display that conveys the depths of love and devotion, making it a perfect gift for any special occasion.
Valutazioni e recensioni
Febbraio 2022 • Recensione di google maps
الوطنية للزهور مكان يبيع بالجمله وأسعاره مناسبه وبصراحه تعاملهم جدا ممتاز
Febbraio 2021 • Recensione di google maps
Good service
Ottobre 2023 • Recensione di google maps
Febbraio 2024 • Recensione di google maps
Good staff in national flower
Gennaio 2024 • Recensione di google maps
The best flowers supplier in alain , I really advise all flowers shops to visit .
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