Introducing the Scarlet Rhapsody Bouquet, where a standout red gerbera steals the show, surrounded by pouch baby roses, white gerbera, and satsuma whispers. This composition is a catchy melody of vibrancy and grace, a floral ensemble that turns celebrations into unforgettable verses. Let your moments sing with the spirited charm of this unique bouquet.
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Scarlet Rhapsody Bouquet
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- MAGIC FLOWERS AND GIFTS - Supershop. I supershop sono negozi con recensioni eccellenti che fanno del loro meglio per offrire un servizio clienti di alta qualità.
mathiola - 2 pz spray rose peach - 10 pz gerbera red - 1 pz peach lisianthosis - 2 pz eucalyptus 1stems - 1 pz
- Larghezza - 45 cm
- Altezza - 55 cm
Introducing the Scarlet Rhapsody Bouquet, where a standout red gerbera steals the show, surrounded by pouch baby roses, white gerbera, and satsuma whispers. This composition is a catchy melody of vibrancy and grace, a floral ensemble that turns celebrations into unforgettable verses. Let your moments sing with the spirited charm of this unique bouquet.
147 valutazioni • 144 acquisti
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They are pro and have excellent service. Very satisfactory!
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gorgeous fresh flowers
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SJ Rosanes
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