Gift this gorgeous bouquet to your mom and watch her glow with your love. Our expert florists have handcrafted this delightful arrangement using the freshest blooms beautifully presented in a white ceramic vase and to make it even more special weve added adorable mom stickers and heart shaped balloons. As the arrangement comes in a chic white ceramic planter you can easily place this in your living room bedside table or balcony and continue to use this even after the flowers wither. Treat your mom to this stunning surprise today!
Questo articolo è temporaneamente esaurito
Rose Delight Bouquet
- IGP Flowers - Supershop. I supershop sono negozi con recensioni eccellenti che fanno del loro meglio per offrire un servizio clienti di alta qualità.
roses cerise pink - 5 pz roses sweet avalanche - 7 pz roses aqua pink - 6 pz
- Larghezza - 20 cm
- Altezza - 25 cm
Gift this gorgeous bouquet to your mom and watch her glow with your love. Our expert florists have handcrafted this delightful arrangement using the freshest blooms beautifully presented in a white ceramic vase and to make it even more special weve added adorable mom stickers and heart shaped balloons. As the arrangement comes in a chic white ceramic planter you can easily place this in your living room bedside table or balcony and continue to use this even after the flowers wither. Treat your mom to this stunning surprise today!
304 valutazioni • 310 acquisti
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Amol Dhamane
Questa settimana
Inspite of pre booking the delivery one day prior, the cake was delivered even in the evening. Pathetic service.
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Questa settimana
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