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Elevate any occasion with the exquisite beauty of this bouquet featuring twenty premium roses elegantly wrapped in rustic jute. Each rose, carefully selected for its perfection, exudes timeless elegance and grace. The bouquet boasts a stunning array of colors, from classic reds to soft pinks, vibrant oranges, and pristine whites, creating a captivating display of natural beauty. Enhanced by the rustic charm of the jute wrapping, the bouquet exudes a sense of simplicity and sophistication. Whether given as a romantic gesture or to mark a special celebration, this bouquet is a symbol of love, admiration, and appreciation, making every moment unforgettable.
Stock confermato oggi
Premium Red
- per sapere le spese di consegna
- Riceverai 6.87 bonus
- FlowerBouquets - Supershop. I supershop sono negozi con recensioni eccellenti che fanno del loro meglio per offrire un servizio clienti di alta qualità.
Red rose - 20 pz
- Larghezza - 30 cm
- Altezza - 45 cm
Elevate any occasion with the exquisite beauty of this bouquet featuring twenty premium roses elegantly wrapped in rustic jute. Each rose, carefully selected for its perfection, exudes timeless elegance and grace. The bouquet boasts a stunning array of colors, from classic reds to soft pinks, vibrant oranges, and pristine whites, creating a captivating display of natural beauty. Enhanced by the rustic charm of the jute wrapping, the bouquet exudes a sense of simplicity and sophistication. Whether given as a romantic gesture or to mark a special celebration, this bouquet is a symbol of love, admiration, and appreciation, making every moment unforgettable.
299 valutazioni • 209 acquisti
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Jack Wolf
Gennaio 2025
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