•The bouquet is very large and airy. Gypsophila is a very durable flower. •The color of Gypsophila can be changed, write to us about it
Questo articolo è esaurito
Pink bouquet gipsofila
postcard - 1 pz gipsofila - 25 pz krizal - 1 pz rebbon - 1 pz box or bag - 1 pz paking - 2 pz box with water - 1 pz
- Larghezza - 60 cm
- Altezza - 60 cm
•The bouquet is very large and airy. Gypsophila is a very durable flower. •The color of Gypsophila can be changed, write to us about it
295 valutazioni • 201 acquisto
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Jaroslaw Chodun
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Andrey Kolesnichenko
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