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The Bliss Harmony Bouquet is a symphony of elegance and a masterpiece that beautifully weaves together the timeless charm of pink and white blooms. At OnlineFlowerShop, we have curated this enchanting arrangement to celebrate the delicate harmony of your special occasion. In this bouquet, pink flowers create an atmosphere of tenderness and affection and white flowers provide a canvas of pure elegance for your sentiments.
Stock confermato oggi
Mix bouquet
- per sapere le spese di consegna
- Riceverai 11.1 bonus
chrysanthemum pink - 3 pz hydrangea white - 1 pz roses - 5 pz garbara - 4 pz mithioli - 1 pz
- Larghezza - 35 cm
- Altezza - 50 cm
The Bliss Harmony Bouquet is a symphony of elegance and a masterpiece that beautifully weaves together the timeless charm of pink and white blooms. At OnlineFlowerShop, we have curated this enchanting arrangement to celebrate the delicate harmony of your special occasion. In this bouquet, pink flowers create an atmosphere of tenderness and affection and white flowers provide a canvas of pure elegance for your sentiments.
94 valutazioni • 72 acquisti
Valutazioni e recensioni
Ottobre 2024
Settembre 2024
Marzo 2024
Marzo 2024
Questa settimana
this is the worst service you can imagine, they delivered flowers to the wrong address so I didn’t receive it, the order based on the photo was radically different from what was in the catalogue, plus they respond once an hour in chat. I don't recommend it to anyone
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