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Introducing the Light Pink Roses Bouquet - a graceful and elegant display of delicate beauty. The bouquet consists of soft pink roses arranged in a stylish manner with a mix of lush greenery, creating a romantic and sophisticated look. Pink roses symbolize love, gratitude, and appreciation, making this bouquet the perfect gift for a loved one or special occasion.
Light Pink Roses Bouquet
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light pink holland roses. - 45 pz
- Larghezza - 45 cm
- Altezza - 55 cm
Introducing the Light Pink Roses Bouquet - a graceful and elegant display of delicate beauty. The bouquet consists of soft pink roses arranged in a stylish manner with a mix of lush greenery, creating a romantic and sophisticated look. Pink roses symbolize love, gratitude, and appreciation, making this bouquet the perfect gift for a loved one or special occasion.
146 valutazioni • 111 acquisti
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