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A breathtaking arrangement of Julietta spray roses paired with classic red roses, beautifully presented in an elegant box. The delicate, layered blooms of the Julietta roses add charm and grace, while the deep red roses symbolize love and passion. This stunning combination creates a timeless and romantic display, perfect for any special occasion or heartfelt gesture. Exuding sophistication and beauty, this arrangement is a truly memorable gift for any setting.
Julietta Rose Box
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- FlowerBouquets - Supershop. I supershop sono negozi con recensioni eccellenti che fanno del loro meglio per offrire un servizio clienti di alta qualità.
Red rose - 10 pz julietta spray rose - 5 pz
- Larghezza - 22 cm
- Altezza - 28 cm
A breathtaking arrangement of Julietta spray roses paired with classic red roses, beautifully presented in an elegant box. The delicate, layered blooms of the Julietta roses add charm and grace, while the deep red roses symbolize love and passion. This stunning combination creates a timeless and romantic display, perfect for any special occasion or heartfelt gesture. Exuding sophistication and beauty, this arrangement is a truly memorable gift for any setting.
223 valutazioni • 192 acquisti
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Dicembre 2024
Great service 👌🏽
Dicembre 2024
Спасибо большое вам за великолепные цветы! Подарок в Дубае удался!
Dicembre 2024
Dicembre 2024
Dicembre 2024
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