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A stunning bouquet featuring Julietta Cerise roses, Ohara white roses, and soft pink hydrangeas, complemented by lush eucalyptus leaves. The rich cerise and delicate white roses blend harmoniously with the soft pink hydrangeas, creating a timeless and romantic arrangement. The fragrant eucalyptus leaves add a touch of elegance and texture. Perfect for any occasion, this bouquet exudes sophistication, charm, and natural beauty, making it an unforgettable gift.
Stock confermato 95 min fa
Julietta Ohara Hydrangea Bouquet
- per sapere le spese di consegna
- Riceverai 10.77 bonus
- FlowerBouquets - Supershop. I supershop sono negozi con recensioni eccellenti che fanno del loro meglio per offrire un servizio clienti di alta qualità.
pink hydrangea - 3 pz julietta cerise - 5 pz eucalyptus leaves - 5 pz white ohara roses - 10 pz
- Larghezza - 35 cm
- Altezza - 40 cm
A stunning bouquet featuring Julietta Cerise roses, Ohara white roses, and soft pink hydrangeas, complemented by lush eucalyptus leaves. The rich cerise and delicate white roses blend harmoniously with the soft pink hydrangeas, creating a timeless and romantic arrangement. The fragrant eucalyptus leaves add a touch of elegance and texture. Perfect for any occasion, this bouquet exudes sophistication, charm, and natural beauty, making it an unforgettable gift.
274 valutazioni • 184 acquisti
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