Bring a touch of natural beauty with our bouquet, a large, cheerful arrangement of fresh daisies. Overflowing with the charm of these timeless flowers, this bouquet is perfect for brightening someones day or celebrating life’s simple joys. The pure white petals and sunny centers create a radiant, uplifting display that exudes warmth and happiness. Perfect for any occasion, this grand bouquet arrives beautifully arranged and ready to inspire smiles.
Questo articolo è temporaneamente esaurito
Grand Bouquet of Daisies
Satin ribbon - 1 pz matricaria - 39 pz design packaging - 1 pz
- Larghezza - 40 cm
- Altezza - 50 cm
Bring a touch of natural beauty with our bouquet, a large, cheerful arrangement of fresh daisies. Overflowing with the charm of these timeless flowers, this bouquet is perfect for brightening someones day or celebrating life’s simple joys. The pure white petals and sunny centers create a radiant, uplifting display that exudes warmth and happiness. Perfect for any occasion, this grand bouquet arrives beautifully arranged and ready to inspire smiles.
Valutazioni e recensioni
Gennaio 2025
Anton Opryshko
Dicembre 2024
Dicembre 2024
Молодцы это было хорошо изумительно
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