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A stunning arrangement of 5 elegant white roses, 5 soft peach roses, 4 pure white carnations, 2 cheerful yellow chrysanthemums, and 4 radiant sunflowers, all beautifully accented with lush greenery. Wrapped in luxurious golden paper, this bouquet exudes elegance and warmth, making it perfect for any special occasion
Stock confermato 3 h 50 min fa
Golden Grace
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White rose - 5 pz peach rose - 5 pz chrysanthemum yellow - 2 pz white carnation - 4 pz sun flower - 4 pz greeniries - 3 pz
- Larghezza - 30 cm
- Altezza - 40 cm
Garden of eden
A stunning arrangement of 5 elegant white roses, 5 soft peach roses, 4 pure white carnations, 2 cheerful yellow chrysanthemums, and 4 radiant sunflowers, all beautifully accented with lush greenery. Wrapped in luxurious golden paper, this bouquet exudes elegance and warmth, making it perfect for any special occasion
361 valutazione • 358 acquisti
Valutazioni e recensioni
Hamad Dergham
Beautiful flowers which bloomed like this
Questa settimana
Questa settimana
Questa settimana
The delivery was super delayed. The flower quality is low - one day and some flowers are withering already. There was no card added to the bouquet as well
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