Embrace the timeless elegance of our exquisite arrangement featuring 20 delicate pink roses, 20 pristine white roses, and 5 elegant white chrysanthemums, all carefully nestled in a stylish box.
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Sweetheart s Bloom Box
- 5 persone hanno aggiunto questo prodotto alle loro collezioni
- Rose Charms DMCC - Supershop. I supershop sono negozi con recensioni eccellenti che fanno del loro meglio per offrire un servizio clienti di alta qualità.
Box - 1 pz Pink rose - 20 pz White rose - 20 pz Chrysanthemum white - 5 pz
Embrace the timeless elegance of our exquisite arrangement featuring 20 delicate pink roses, 20 pristine white roses, and 5 elegant white chrysanthemums, all carefully nestled in a stylish box.
1739 valutazioni • 1541 acquisto
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Kirill Budnikov
Gennaio 2025
Все на очень высоком уровне , большое спасибо
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My order was not delivered, the driver delivered it to wrong address and not confirmed (was not placed a no call request while ordering). Also they dont speak english seems like
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