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A vibrant and playful arrangement featuring flamingo-colored roses, delicate spray roses, and elegant tulips. Accented with whimsical astrantia, cheerful daisies, golden solidago, and fresh eucalyptus, this bouquet exudes a lively charm perfect for brightening any space or celebrating joyful occasions.
Flamingo Garden
- per sapere le spese di consegna
- Riceverai 12 bonus
Astrantia - 7 pz Eucalyptus - 10 pz Tulips - 10 pz Solidago - 5 pz daisies - 5 pz roses - 5 pz spray roses - 5 pz
- Larghezza - 40 cm
- Altezza - 50 cm
Moyses stevens llc
A vibrant and playful arrangement featuring flamingo-colored roses, delicate spray roses, and elegant tulips. Accented with whimsical astrantia, cheerful daisies, golden solidago, and fresh eucalyptus, this bouquet exudes a lively charm perfect for brightening any space or celebrating joyful occasions.
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