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Get this stunning bouquet of elegant red roses, featuring 30 exquisite red roses. The roses are beautifully presented in luxurious black wrapping, enhancing the beauty and magnificence of the bouquet. This elegant bouquet is the perfect gift for any occasion worth celebrating, whether its a birthday, Valentines Day, or any other special event. It exudes beauty and sophistication, adding a touch of joy and luxury to your loved ones day.
Stock confermato 2 h 20 min fa
Elegant 30 Red Rose Bouquet
- per sapere le spese di consegna
- 3 persone hanno aggiunto questo prodotto alle loro collezioni
- Riceverai 8.4 bonus
gift message - 1 pz red roses - 30 pz
- Larghezza - 30 cm
- Altezza - 50 cm
Get this stunning bouquet of elegant red roses, featuring 30 exquisite red roses. The roses are beautifully presented in luxurious black wrapping, enhancing the beauty and magnificence of the bouquet. This elegant bouquet is the perfect gift for any occasion worth celebrating, whether its a birthday, Valentines Day, or any other special event. It exudes beauty and sophistication, adding a touch of joy and luxury to your loved ones day.
244 valutazioni • 128 acquisti
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