This charming bouquet consists of a delightful mix of different sized daisies, creating a visually appealing arrangement. Wrapped in Kraft paper, it adds a touch of simplicity and earthiness to any space. Perfect as a gift or a beautiful addition to your home, this bouquet is sure to bring joy and a touch of natural beauty wherever you go.
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Bouquet of daisies "Summer notes"-675
- 17 persone hanno aggiunto questo prodotto alle loro collezioni
- Fellora Flower Boutique - Supershop. I supershop sono negozi con recensioni eccellenti che fanno del loro meglio per offrire un servizio clienti di alta qualità.
Ribbon - 1 pz white chrysanthemum - 13 pz wrapping paper brown - 2 pz diasy - 12 pz
- Larghezza - 60 cm
- Altezza - 50 cm
This charming bouquet consists of a delightful mix of different sized daisies, creating a visually appealing arrangement. Wrapped in Kraft paper, it adds a touch of simplicity and earthiness to any space. Perfect as a gift or a beautiful addition to your home, this bouquet is sure to bring joy and a touch of natural beauty wherever you go.
7021 valutazione • 6479 acquisti
Valutazioni e recensioni
Dicembre 2024
AMAZING im in love with how the flowers turned out the quality is perfect 10/10
Maxim Masterenko
Questa settimana
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