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Indulge in the enchanting beauty of our Blush Splendor bouquet, featuring 25 stunning pink peony roses. Each bloom exudes a delicate, romantic charm, creating a lush and elegant arrangement perfect for celebrating special occasions or adding a touch of luxury to any setting. Hand-tied with care and beautifully wrapped, this grand bouquet makes a statement of sophistication and affection.
Blush Splendor
- per sapere le spese di consegna
- 2 persone hanno aggiunto questo prodotto alle loro collezioni
- Riceverai 15 bonus
packaging - 1 pz spray peony roses - 25 pz
- Larghezza - 50 cm
- Altezza - 50 cm
Indulge in the enchanting beauty of our Blush Splendor bouquet, featuring 25 stunning pink peony roses. Each bloom exudes a delicate, romantic charm, creating a lush and elegant arrangement perfect for celebrating special occasions or adding a touch of luxury to any setting. Hand-tied with care and beautifully wrapped, this grand bouquet makes a statement of sophistication and affection.
Valutazioni e recensioni
Dicembre 2024
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