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The Blissful Garden Bouquet is a vibrant and joyful arrangement that brings together the charm of nature in a stunning display. This bouquet features a mix of rich red roses, soft pink chrysanthemums, and a striking blue chrysanthemum at the center. Delicate sprigs of eucalyptus add a fresh, green accent, while a variety of other seasonal blooms complete the look. Perfect for any occasion, this arrangement comes in a sleek, modern vase that complements the bright colors of the flowers, making it a beautiful centerpiece for any room. Key Features: Rich mix of red and pink chrysanthemums Striking blue chrysanthemum for a bold contrast Accented with fresh eucalyptus leaves Arranged in a modern, elegant vase Tags:
Stock confermato oggi
Blissful Garden Bouquet
- per sapere le spese di consegna
- Riceverai 2.97 bonus
Eucalyptus - 2 pz Ruscus - 3 pz santini - 2 pz white santini - 1 pz wax purple - 1 pz blue aster flower - 1 pz chrysanthemum pink grandiflorum - 3 pz fuschia pink - 2 pz green albiflora - 4 pz
- Larghezza - 50 cm
- Altezza - 55 cm
Floretly, Emirati Arabi Uniti
Paese di produzione
Emirati Arabi Uniti
The Blissful Garden Bouquet is a vibrant and joyful arrangement that brings together the charm of nature in a stunning display. This bouquet features a mix of rich red roses, soft pink chrysanthemums, and a striking blue chrysanthemum at the center. Delicate sprigs of eucalyptus add a fresh, green accent, while a variety of other seasonal blooms complete the look. Perfect for any occasion, this arrangement comes in a sleek, modern vase that complements the bright colors of the flowers, making it a beautiful centerpiece for any room. Key Features: Rich mix of red and pink chrysanthemums Striking blue chrysanthemum for a bold contrast Accented with fresh eucalyptus leaves Arranged in a modern, elegant vase Tags:
Valutazioni e recensioni
Questa settimana
Giorgia Bellini
Novembre 2024
Settembre 2024
Juan camilo
Luglio 2024
Giugno 2024
Never thought it will be that good and more. Have order it from uk and also had a very good satisfaction on there products and delivery. I appreciate it alot and thank you
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